My dream of Wu Kong

Last night I have a wonderful dream. I don't remember much about it but one thing, one person, I will not forget is ... Monkey King. I dreamt of Monkey King. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... He's so awesome. With his golden cudgel... awe... there is no word to describe an awesome creation. ^___^

People keep on telling me that Monkey King is not real. And I can't win those argument because I can't prove it. But in this dream, he look real as real can be. I know that is not even proof. But to me, it meant the whole world. If only I had dream of him the day before that would be even sweeter. 'Cause that was my birthday.

I know I am crazy for believing in such a thing as Monkey King. But that is who I am. If you take away Monkey King, I am no one. Monkey King is the reason for my existence. He make me who I am. ^___^ Okay.. I am just kidding. But he is my childhood hero. If there is no Monkey King, then... who am I going to be obsess about?? Superman?? I can't imagine myself being obsess about Superman. Ooohh.. look up at the sky.. it's a bird. no.. it's a plane... noooo.. it's superman.. my hero... all dress in tight. :D Superman come saveeee meeeeeeeeee. hehehehee.... I don't see it.

How about a real live hero, NK?? Not cartoon. I do have a historic figure I like, Alexander the Great. But the problem is that you don't learn about the historic figure until high school. And by that time, you are starting to grow up. No imagination left to act weird. kekekeke..

Having imagination is a good thing. But we will grow up and it will disappear... and what's left is ... hard cold fact and no fun. I am afraid I am going to be an adult soon. I don't want that yet. That's why I am still holding onto the one thing from my childhood. It might be silly. But I believe that by holding onto Monkey King, I can still be a kid, a kid that still love Monkey King, play video game and watch cartoons. ^____^